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Food Additive

미세조류 추출 오일(rTG 유형, EPA+DHA 69%+)로 영양 강화 (Boosting Nutrition with Microalgae Extract Oil (rTG Type, EPA+DHA 69%+))

by 와인마시는인디언 2024. 6. 18.

미세조류 추출 오일 소개

미세조류 추출물 오일은 필수 오메가-3 지방산인 EPA(에이코사펜타엔산)와 DHA(도코사헥사엔산)의 강력한 원천입니다. 이 오일은 재에스테르화된 트리글리세리드(rTG) 형태의 69% 이상의 EPA 및 DHA 농도가 높아 안정성과 흡수력이 모두 향상됩니다.

미세조류 추출 오일의 출처

미세조류에서 추출한 이 오일은 전통적인 어유에 대한 지속 가능하고 채식주의자 친화적인 대안입니다. 이는 생선 섭취의 필요성을 우회하여 이러한 중요한 영양소의 직접적인 공급원을 제공합니다.

미세조류 오일에 포함된 EPA 및 DHA의 건강상의 이점

심혈관 건강: EPA와 DHA는 중성지방을 줄이고 혈압을 낮추며 심장병 위험을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다.
뇌 건강: DHA는 인지 기능과 정신 건강을 지원하는 뇌 조직의 중요한 구성 요소입니다.
눈 건강: DHA는 망막 건강과 좋은 시력 유지에 필수적입니다.
항염증: 이 지방산은 항염증 특성을 갖고 있어 관절염과 같은 질환에 좋습니다.

식품 산업에서의 응용

강화 식품: 유제품, 음료, 빵과 같은 제품에 미세조류 오일을 첨가하면 영양가가 향상됩니다.
유아용 분유: 미세조류에서 추출한 DHA는 건강한 두뇌 발달을 위한 유아용 분유의 핵심 성분입니다.
식이 보조제: 미세조류 오일 보충제는 생선 기름에 대한 지속 가능한 완전 채식 대안을 제공합니다.
기능성 식품: 기본 영양 이상의 건강상의 이점을 제공하도록 고안된 식품에는 미세조류 오일의 EPA 및 DHA가 포함되는 경우가 많습니다.

미세조류오일(rTG Type)의 장점

고농도: 69% 이상의 EPA 및 DHA를 함유하여 이러한 필수 지방산의 매우 강력한 공급원을 제공합니다.
흡수 강화: 재에스테르화된 트리글리세리드(rTG) 형태는 신체에 더 쉽게 흡수됩니다.
안정성: rTG 형태는 더욱 안정적이어서 산화 위험을 줄이고 오일 품질을 유지합니다.
지속 가능성: 미세조류 오일은 어유의 지속 가능한 대안으로 해양 생태계에 미치는 영향을 줄입니다.

규제 및 안전 측면

복용량: 건강한 성인의 일일 권장 섭취량은 일반적으로 EPA와 DHA를 합친 250-500mg입니다.
규제 승인: 미세조류 오일은 일반적으로 FDA 및 EFSA와 같은 당국에 의해 안전하다고 인정됩니다(GRAS).


산화: 오메가-3 오일은 더 안정적이지만 산화되어 맛과 품질에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 안정성을 향상시키기 위해 항산화제가 첨가되는 경우가 많습니다.
생체 이용률: EPA와 DHA가 전달되는 형태는 흡수와 효과에 영향을 미칩니다.


rTG 형태의 EPA와 DHA를 함유한 미세조류 추출물 오일은 이러한 필수 오메가-3 지방산의 고농축, 지속 가능하고 효과적인 공급원입니다. 식품 첨가물로 사용하면 다양한 식품의 영양 프로필을 향상시켜 심혈관, 뇌 및 눈 건강을 지원합니다.

자세한 내용은 Healthline의 Omega-3 보충제 및 NIH Omega-3 지방산 정보 시트를 참조하세요.

microalgae extract oil containing EPA and DHA

Introduction to Microalgae Extract Oil

Microalgae extract oil is a powerhouse of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), essential omega-3 fatty acids. This oil stands out with its high concentration—69% or more EPA and DHA in the re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) form, enhancing both stability and absorption.

Sources of Microalgae Extract Oil

Derived from microalgae, this oil is a sustainable and vegetarian-friendly alternative to traditional fish oil. It provides a direct source of these crucial nutrients, bypassing the need for fish consumption.

Health Benefits of EPA and DHA in Microalgae Oil

  1. Cardiovascular Health: EPA and DHA help reduce triglycerides, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
  2. Brain Health: DHA is a critical component of brain tissue, supporting cognitive function and mental health.
  3. Eye Health: DHA is essential for retinal health and maintaining good vision.
  4. Anti-inflammatory: These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for conditions like arthritis.

Applications in the Food Industry

  1. Fortified Foods: Adding microalgae oil to products like dairy, beverages, and bread enhances their nutritional value.
  2. Infant Formula: DHA from microalgae is a key ingredient in baby formulas for healthy brain development.
  3. Dietary Supplements: Microalgae oil supplements offer a sustainable and vegan alternative to fish oil.
  4. Functional Foods: Foods designed to provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition often include EPA and DHA from microalgae oil.

Advantages of Microalgae Oil (rTG Type)

  1. High Concentration: Contains 69% or more EPA and DHA, providing a highly potent source of these essential fatty acids.
  2. Enhanced Absorption: The re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) form is more easily absorbed by the body.
  3. Stability: rTG forms are more stable, reducing the risk of oxidation and maintaining the oil’s quality.
  4. Sustainability: Microalgae oil is a sustainable alternative to fish oil, reducing the impact on marine ecosystems.

Regulatory and Safety Aspects

  • Dosage: The recommended daily intake is generally 250-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA for healthy adults.
  • Regulatory Approval: Microalgae oils are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by authorities such as the FDA and EFSA.


  1. Oxidation: Although more stable, omega-3 oils can oxidize, affecting taste and quality. Antioxidants are often added to improve stability.
  2. Bioavailability: The form in which EPA and DHA are delivered impacts their absorption and effectiveness.


Microalgae extract oil containing EPA and DHA in the rTG form is a highly concentrated, sustainable, and effective source of these essential omega-3 fatty acids. Its use as a food additive enhances the nutritional profile of various foods, supporting cardiovascular, brain, and eye health.

For further reading, visit Healthline on Omega-3 Supplements and the NIH Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet.